Mayan Mysteries

I’ve had this idea kicking about in my head, well, more like rampaging around my mind, generating a story.  I’ve written an opening page, and then I realised, I actually need to know more about this subject.

I’m incredibly pinickity about historical accuracy, there are certain films I won’t watch and books I refuse to read because I know they are historically inaccurate.  And that bugs me.  A lot.

So, I have started research in earnest.  I am lucky however, that my chosen story generating topic is lost within an ancient civilization, which means there is some flexibility on historcal accuracy.

I read an article on the National Geographic website that captured my imagination, you can read an extract of that article on my blog page dedicated to it by clicking here.

I anticipate that blog posts abuot this topic and my idea formulating is going to be horrendously structured, jump about completely unnecessarily and be hard to follow, but that’s creativity for you!

Below are two links that talk about my inspiration, for my reference as much as to share them!

The Search for Five Flower Mountain: Re-Evaluating the Cancuen Panel by S. Ashley Kistler

Tomb Raider

About Fanny Brown

Writer of that best selling novel you haven't read yet... mainly because I haven't written it yet, but in the mean time you can read the rubbish my brain produces on here!
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